Omnifocus update
Omnifocus update

omnifocus update

I’m sure the Omni folks would be too nice to say this so plainly, but I say that if you’re into OmniFocus enough to read whole articles about improving your workflow, you’ll get your money’s worth out of OmniFocus Pro.


Is now the time to upgrade to OmniFocus Pro?

omnifocus update


The limit is your imagination - as long as you have a Pro license, that is. I’ve seen some creative perspectives like “Next Up,” “Stale Items,” “Monday Review,” “Backburner,” “Lazy Day,” and so on. There are already some great recent articles on Inside OmniFocus for inspiration, such as Productivity in Three Dimensions. As a bonus, a complex custom perspective makes for a great horcrux. Instead of living in the boring old Tags, Projects, and and Review perspectives, it’s worth experimenting with how far you can go with custom perspectives. Since you can negate rules, feed custom perspectives with tags, specify “all” or “any” conditions, and even nest rules, it’s now a lot easier to create perspectives you want to spend a lot of time in. While many OmniFocus 2 Pro users created some variant of “Due or Flagged” to work out of, now custom perspectives can be far more thoughtful and useful than that. What custom perspectives should I create?


A nice thing about tags is they’re easy to trial - add some, see if they’re useful. Your tags, née contexts, can now double up or triple up, so you can have an item that is both “Office” and “Today,” or “Home” and “Quick.” Where I previously had a project called “Seasonal Goals” in OmniFocus 2, I’ve now made that a tag. This is most people’s first workflow question about OmniFocus 3. What tags are worth adding to my contexts?


The Top Ten Workflow Questions To Ask Now that OmniFocus 3 is On Your Mac 1. Or, at least, how you can have less than 13 overdue items at once. Look critically about how you’re organizing your work, how you could do better work, and how you too can find your garden utopia of productivity. Pull things apart, try some new approaches on for size. Yes, summer is over, fall has fallen, and it is an excellent time to ask some hard questions and shake up your task management. What we need instead is OmniFocus 3, a tasty beverage, and the willingness to blow up our old workflows. It’s all right, we can get through this together. Looking at particular tasks over and over, slowly wanting them to do them less and less, but not doing anything with them, seriously Allen why is it so hard for you to just call the mechanic before they close at 3pm what is wrong with you Allen?.Trying to feed a workflow so fragile that missing a single weekly review sends it into primal chaos.Browsing a 57-item list called “Work Stuff”.Tending a garden of “overdue” tasks that aren’t technically overdue.Call your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms: In fact, most OmniFocus users I know have at least one or two aspects of their task workflow that leave something to be desired. My workflow is not a magical garden utopia of productivity and peace. If you don’t want to take some time to rethink how you choose the work you do, then who am I to judge? “Hey buddy,” you may protest, “My OmniFocus workflow is a magical garden utopia of productivity and harmony!” And if that’s you, then well, excellent. Your projects and contexts may have made sense a few months or even years ago, but it’s time for a shakeup. Together, these three changes make OmniFocus 3 so much more flexible that it’s time to take a long, critical look at your workflow. This makes it more likely to be a place you can spend most of your day. OmniFocus Pro’s perspective editor now lets you configure some incredibly useful views. Custom perspectives are now extremely flexible.You can have multiple tags on an item, and you can manually sort items within a tag.

omnifocus update

It does this by adding three key features that work together to help you organize your work in novel new ways:


While this update offers a number of UI updates and features, the soul of the release is that it now supports a cornucopia of new workflows that weren’t previously possible to set up in OmniFocus 2. That’s why I am redonkulously excited that OmniFocus 3 is now on the Mac!

omnifocus update

Sure, the iOS version is great for capturing and occasionally checking off tasks, but the Mac is the altar at which I plan, organize, and execute my work. If you’re like me, you depend on OmniFocus for Mac.

Omnifocus update